
__P1: Adelphel and Grinnaux__

First beams go north, second beams go south

Knockback lineup:


Charibert cleaves:

H > M > R > T, alternate sides to drop puddles, starting with east Toolbox

__P2: Thordan 1__


G1 number waymarks, G2 letter waymarks


G1 away from DRK, G2 towards DRK. Adjust within roles. Force N/S meteors. Toolbox


Easthogg. Preposition to claim a spot, stacks are north. H/R anchor & bait enumeration towers, T/M adjust -> cw > ccw > across. Refer to Toolbox for positions (Sanctity CW)

if you have a damage down wall it after P3 is dead - healers typically do not wall here even with a damage down

__P3: Eyes__


T/H east, DPS west T/M red chain, H/R blue chain G1 north spot, G2 south spot


Tenstrike Eyes Swap order: T > M > 1st dives

__Intermission: Rewind__

H > M > R > T Tank LB Prio: :war: > :drk: > :pld: > :gnb:

__P5: Thordan 2__

Wrath of the Heavens:

Dive relative, blue marker NW, group east Toolbox

Death of the Heavens:

WAR relative, dooms north, far dooms east and west bait :MOND:. :KASTEN: and :PYRAMIDE: anchor SE/SW, non-dooms adjust to their partner. :KREUZ: adjust on the fly. :caster: LB three meteors - typically north (4 A B markers) or precasting it on your knockback spot so ppl know which meteors to hit Toolbox

__P6: Nidhogg and Hraesvelgr__

Vow passes are in the middle of the arena, excluding the last one. DPS > T > T > M1 (if possible, M2 otherwise) > Caster (stay north) Tank prio on taking first vow: :war: > :gnb: > :pld: > :drk: Tank prio on middle spot for Hallowed Plumes: :gnb: > :drk: > :war: > :pld: G1 hits Nidhogg, G2 hits Hraesvelgr.

Wyrmsbreath 1:

Triangle south, H SW, R SE, M towards mid. G1 anchor, G2 adjust.

Akh Afah:

G1 slightly north, G2 slightly south

Wroth Flames:

J dodge starting close to Nidhogg if possible. Spreads towards Nidhogg, stacks towards Hraesvelgr.

Wyrmsbreath 2:

5-1 north; Regen Healer anchor south, Shield Healer anchor north. Stretch tethers around that. If both healers have the same tether, Shield Healer swaps with the closest DPS of the opposite tether. Toolbox

__P7: Dragonking Thordan__


M > R > H, with G1 taking the first auto.

Akh Morns:

G1 left flank, G2 right flank (If doing 611, group is on the left flank)


Mario Kart, don’t run through the middle or you might miss heals. First 2 minute buff window will be Gigaflare 1, buffs on first hit going off Toolbox