General Resources

Full LPDU Video Guide made by <@135967552961642496>



{"Name":"Neurolinks + Dives","MapID":280,"A":{"X":-7.426,"Y":0.0,"Z":-4.275,"ID":0,"Active":true},"B":{"X":7.371,"Y":0.0,"Z":-4.194,"ID":1,"Active":true},"C":{"X":0.053,"Y":0.0,"Z":9.175,"ID":2,"Active":true},"D":{"X":19.336,"Y":0.0,"Z":-7.212,"ID":3,"Active":true},"One":{"X":0.171,"Y":0.0,"Z":0.21,"ID":4,"Active":true},"Two":{"X":6.693,"Y":0.0,"Z":20.06,"ID":5,"Active":true},"Three":{"X":-18.469,"Y":0.0,"Z":8.431,"ID":6,"Active":true},"Four":{"X":0.263,"Y":0.0,"Z":-7.805,"ID":7,"Active":true}}

Position Priority & Important Notice about Positions

UCOB does not use conventional role assignment. That means MT OT H1 H2 R1 R2 M1 M2 are not used. For multitude of years and general conseus, UCOB positions are L1, L2, L3, L4, R1, R2, R3 and R4 indicating LEFT and RIGHT side. These are Quickmarch spread positions used throughout the entire fight. Positions are not hard locked to these, but generally have been assigned as follows:

R/L1 - Tank R/L2 - Healer R/L3 - Melee R/L4 - Ranged

Macros for Golden Bahamut Mitigation

/p Soil/Kera/Shields/Reprisal on every Morn Afah /p 1st MA: DPS Mitigations /p 2nd MA: Tank Heal Mitigations /p 3rd MA: Tank LB3 /p 4th MA: DPS Mitigations /p 5th MA: Everything Left ```

UCOB Strats by Phases


https://clees.me/guides/ucob/ will be used as a basis for understanding what each mechanic does.

Phase 1:Twintania

General Information

Reverse Triangle Neurolinks, typically CW rotation for neuro drops starting from NW. 5 Man stack for first Fireball, one healer and both tanks stay out. Other fireballs full stacks unless you’re comfortable 5manning and LB generating them without addle/feint/reprisal. Note: It does not matter whether you have LB3 or 2 for transition, other than you have to heal more with LB2. Ultimately as a group you decide, both methods work just fine.

5 Stack Second Fireball Alternative: Fire baiter + Tanks stay out, unless baiter has Fireball Marker, then same healer who stays out for first stack stays out. No Reprisal, No Addle, No Feint. You can use mitigation that is applied to players, not on enemies. Be careful that with this strat, you will need sufficient mitigation to not die on this stack. Lack of party mitigation may result in deaths instead. 6man stack is not reliable for LB generation. You can read more on LB Generation in earlier than 5.0 content here: https://www.akhmorning.com/allagan-studies/limit-break/gauge-generation/#pre-shadowbringers-content-50 The strat relies on “Surviving Lethal Damage” part. Simply taking damage does not give more LB.

Phase 2: Nael deus Darnus

General Information

Static Dive Markers - Second dive adjusts if second dragon is south. Order is D -> 2 -> 3 Fires IN > OUT > IN > IN. Rotate around Nael CW when applicable. Thunders don’t go CW. Don’t run too far for Raven’s Dive.

Phase 3: Bahamut


Standard Clees. DPS Stack south, Healer Shakers East and West. DPS Shaker north. Tanks don’t die and take tethers. Dive Relative.


Center to Nael. Facing Nael: DPS Left - Tanks/Healers Right. Heals get tower farther from Nael / closer to stack.


Spread in Quickmarch positions roughly around Nael for Dive using the middle as north, and go behind her for Dynamo. Party under Nael’s Neurolink for Aetheric Profusion. Looking at Mid: L1 Tank to Left Dragon and R1 Tank to Right Dragon


QM Positions Spread. If Tower under Nael = R1 https://ff14.toolboxgaming.space/?id=141496754100071&preview=1 may be used as an example for Heavensfall.


Spread around in Quickmarch spread spots (click for image) to quickly identify where you have to go with your hatch if you get one. North marker (4, true north) is safe both times for shakers. Make sure to gather up after hatches (before shakers) in the middle to be healed up.

Grand Octet

Clees Mario Kart. TankLB3 as you run into the middle. Soak all towers. Twintania Bait point left looking at twin. If no LB3, Megaflares right looking at twin.

Phase 4: Adds

General Information

L3 takes left Neurolink for Hatch, R3 takes right and caster flexes. Adds tanked North.

Important Note about Nael Triple Quotes during Adds Phase

If Nael’s Quote starts with a Dynamo (IN Quote), the stack will happen on the 4 Marker which is North. If Nael’s Quote does NOT start with IN Quote, it will happen on the 1 Marker which is in the Middle of the Arena. Spreading out for both Spread and Twisters will be done in your quickmarch directions, using True North.

Phase 5: Golden Bahamut

General Information

Middle or Wall Dodge - decide as a group or follow tank. Play safe if you aren’t sure. Akh Morns: Shared(Kitchen Sink) > Invuln > Invuln > Shared(Kitchen Sink) Morn Afahs: DPS > Tank/Healer > Tank LB3 > DPS > Everything left. Note: You may opt to do non-TankLB3 Morn Afah. In this case, mitigation will be different. Talk it out with your group individually if you opt to not use LB3 on the 3rd Morn Afah.

First Morn Afah

Stack directly under the Boss for the first Morn Afah

First Akh Morn

The first Akh Morn is shared by the tanks on the waymark [4]. If you are not a tank, stay away from it.

Mitigation Sheets

If you want to contribute your own mitigation sheet, feel free to submit a ticket so we can review it and add it.

!!! ⚠️ DISCLAIMER ⚠️ !!!

These are made by the community and with that personal preference of those people. The Mitigation Plans have worked for those people and in PF but that doesn’t mean they work for everything and everyone. Nobody needs to follow these sheets and everyone can make their own changes.

!!! ⚠️ DISCLAIMER ⚠️ !!!


WHMSGESCHAST by <@327135661050167316>


Example Tanking Sheet by <@120471942745554944> with a heavy disclaimer: This is an example mitigation sheet. Its main purpose is to show how to spread out mitigation from both tanks (and to a certain degree dps mit too) so that you don’t have anyone sitting on their mitigation without it being used for longer periods of time. The example uses WAR/GNB but it can obviously be translated to any tank combination, just make sure to also discuss it with your co-tank and Healers wether or not they have specific preferences when it comes to niche situations (For example Holming the Busters after Quickmarch instead of before and so on) You may prefer to use things sligthly different as for example GNB could have a lot of ogcds to weave during Trios so their order and timings of mitigation used could vary. This is just to give a rough overview


None exist yet. Perhaps one day there’ll be yours here?

Guides & Resources:

These guides may or may not include LPDU Strats. Please be advised to not use these as actual guides, but rather references on how mechanics work. Updated Clees by Icy Veins Original Clees UCOB Empty Mitigation Timeline - This serves both as a timeline and empty template to create mitigation plans.

Nael Quote Triggers Head over to <#853704844844728351> and check the pin by <@140183279675506688> to see how to set it up.

Nael Dive Bomb Visualizer

Additional Resources

Most common tank mitigations used in PF Tank spreadsheet