General Resources

Full LPDU Video Guide made by <@135967552961642496>


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Auto Marker

UWU Strats by Phases

Guide : will be used as a basis for understanding what each mechanic does.

Phase 1: Garuda

General Information

Keep Garuda where she is, Healers take Mistral towards South through the group then pull Garuda south and face Downburst East. Melees + Tank get 2 stacks. Melees feed immediately after frictions. Keep Garuda center for Wicked Wheel. Party goes South East on [3] marker. MT takes North / West and OT takes South / East interception. Tank takes East tether, Caster takes West tether

Phase 2: Ifrit

General Information

Reverse Z Nails - Post nails - Ifrit position is now N, Searing goes W, Eruptions start SE and run CCW to Party Off-tank (OT) will use their invuln on the first triple buster.

Phase 3: Titan

General Information

Merry go Round - Tanks and Melee move Right Left Right looking into the Arena. Make sure Titan is NOT close to the wall.

Phase 4: Ultima


Handle accordingly. Refer to clees guide or video posted at the top. You can resolve this individually if you choose to.

Alternatively, you may opt to cheese Predation by eating the Ifrit dash on a cardinal away from ultima. This helps with LB Generation - but please do not attempt unless everyone in the group understands what this is and is prepared to heavily mitigate it.

Post Predation

Party stacks North, baits start south. Wait for plume explosion, then dodge back to bait landslides followed by dodge into safespot. MT goes Left and Group Right looking at Ultima. MT takes both Homing and Aetheroplasm. OT will provoke as soon as MT has the Aetheroplasm debuff.


3311 Orbs. This refers to how many players soak each orb.

Post Annihilation

MT takes cleave and OT Invulns Homing Laser.


Standard Clees for Suppression:

Aetheric Boom

Tanks SW, Party SE. Tank LB1 for Orbs.

Primal Roulette

Important Notes about Ultima LB Generation:

LB Generation for Fast Pushes in Ultima to secure LB3 before Suppression:

A common issue in PF is pushing fast with all the job/gear buffs while overhealing/overmitigating to play safe in PF. If you have lb troubles, do the following:

  1. After the tank lb3 in the transition to ultima, do not top the party!
  2. Use deploy on sch or asp helios + celestial opposition on noct AST for big shields so that the party has at least 25k RAW hp, and 35k with raw hp + shields (You can add ONE helios or medica if you don’t have enough health after the shields are applied - I recommend this for extra safety particularly for deploy) Tank purge is 40k unmitigated and will deal around 30k after mit is applied in the next step
  3. Throw all mitigation BESIDES debuffs on the first tank purge (Heart of Light, Shake it Off, Divine Veil, Sacred Soil, Collective Unconscious are OK) Do NOT addle or reprisal the first tank purge - this will reduce the source damage and make the tank purge nonlethal
  4. Heal up after tank purge for the group soak and proceed through the fight as normal from here. Reprisal/addle on the tank purge in annihilation is fine to use.

Note: This writeup is somewhat old, and we have yet gotten around to fix this to be accurate for modern (Patch 6.5 and newer) standard. However, the logic still applies.

Mitigation Sheets

If you want to contribute your own mitigation sheet, feel free to submit a ticket so we can review it and add it.

!!! ⚠️ DISCLAIMER ⚠️ !!!

These are made by the community and with that personal preference of those people. The Mitigation Plans have worked for those people and in PF but that doesn’t mean they work for everything and everyone. Nobody needs to follow these sheets and everyone can make their own changes.

!!! ⚠️ DISCLAIMER ⚠️ !!!


All Healers


All Tanks by <@323816953582190605>


All DPS by <@201472752329162753> NOTE: Do not blindly use Feint/Addle/Dismantle. Read the document thoroughly before starting to use them, as it contains vital information about LB gain in UWU.


Updated Clees by Icy Veins:

Guides & Resources:

Predation Simulator